Basic and applied research devoted to all aspects of climate - present, past and future; effects of human societies and organisms on climate; effects of climate on the ecosphere. In particular, CR invites high-quality research articles, reviews, notes and comments concerned with:
- Interactions of climate with organisms, populations, ecosystems, and human societies
- Short- and long-term changes in climatic elements such as humidity and precipitation, temperature, wind velocity and storms, radiation, carbon dioxide, trace gases, ozone, UV radiation
- Human reactions to climate change; health, morbidity and mortality; clothing and climate; indoor climate management
- Climate effects on biotic diversity. Species abundance and extinction, natural resources and water levels
- Historical case studies including paleoecology, paleoclimatology
- Analyses of extreme climatic events, their physicochemical properties and their time-space dynamics. Climatic hazards
- Land-surface climatology. Soil degradation, deforestation, desertification
- Assessment and implementation of adaptations and response options
- Methodological and technological problems in model development and application